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  • Clean Energy Development and The Role of Battery Storage Toward Low Carbon Society.
    Speaker: Prof. Ryuichi Yokoyama
    (現為Waseda University 教授,IEEE Fellow)
  • Toward Designing an Emissions Abatement Program. 
    Speaker: Prof. Hiroshi Takamori
    (Waseda University Environmental Research Institute 訪問學者)
  • 電力系统投資决策實物期權的應用—以CCS經濟性分析為例.
    Speaker: Dr. Yicheng Zhou
    (現為Tepco Systems Corporation 經理,Waseda University 訪問研究員)


Title : Clean Energy Development and The Role of Battery Storage Toward Low Carbon Society  Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University

Speaker: Prof. Ryuichi Yokoyama


The electric utilities are still moving toward restructuring and introduction of the principles of competition. With the degree of future demand for electricity being unclear, power market players are reluctant to commit to long-term capital investment, with the result that construction of new large-scale power plants and also transmission and distribution infrastructure is typically being avoided. At the same time, power facilities are being upgraded in response to business strategies for bringing a profit in power markets and for keeping supply reliability for customers.

Under such circumstances surrounding competitive power markets, practical use of renewable and distributed energy generation offers an attractive alternative for power supply.  Their advantages are a short construction cycle, being less of a burden to the existing transmission network, as it can be located near to the demand, and contributing to prevention of global warming through clean combustion using novel energy technologies such as natural gas co-generation, natural gas micro turbines, or fuel cells. Distributed generations using renewable energy resources such as wind and solar energy are also attracting attention. Regarding practical use of renewal energy in Japan, a new set of requirements advents. The first is development of a set of policies for promoting power generated from renewable energy. The second is to evaluate the influence of distributed generations from renewable energy on the quality and reliability of the electricity. The third is establishing the technology requirements for interconnection with the power grid. The fourth is development of future energy delivery networks such as Power parks, Micro-grids, and Smart-grids.


In this presentation, the following issues will be addressed;

・New Issues in Deregulated Power Industries and Markets

・New Dimensions for Reduction of CO2 Emission against Global Warming

・Practical Use of Sustainable Energy for Reliable Power Supply

・The Role of New Delivery Networks and Large-scale Energy Storage for CO2 Reduction

・Future prospects for Low Carbon Era



Title : Toward Designing an Emissions Abatement Program

Hiroshi Takamori,Waseda University Environmental Research Institute

Speaker: Prof. Hiroshi Takamori

This presentation addresses programs for protecting externalities such as access to environmental common resources, for example, clean air and waters. A strategic design of the program for regulating the commons involves devising a set of rules under which firms are allowed to freely compete for profits driven by entrepreneurial incentives, but in balance with the societal welfare. An inefficient scheme may trap covered firms into equilibrium of moral hazardous behaviors. Efficient program requires information that is in the private hands of those who are to be regulated. This study examines the auction mechanism for allocating allowances or licenses for CO2 emissions and also pricing the transferable allowances in a framework where the facilities specific information about the regulated is not available to the regulator. For the sake of a clear presentation, we use a behavioral model of electricity supplier firms to define key ingredients in the mechanism.



Title : 电力系统投资决策实物期权的应用—以CCS经济性分析为例

Speaker: Dr. Yicheng Zhou

本讲演从电力行业所处的环境出发,从电源规划的角度对CCS(Carbon dioxide capture and storage)的导入进行经济分析。采用实物期权的二叉树模型,对用CCS更换现有的煤炭火力发电设备进行分析,同时考虑到CO2排出量的影响。本演讲给出了具体的例题分析,同时推导出一个新的可用于设备更新时期判断的基于实物期权理论的概率指标,作为设备更新换代的一个参考依据。



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